Where chips and cheese unite

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Kurt Russell Cheese in Grindhouse: Death Proof

Even Quentin Tarantino can appreciate the importance of nachos in pop culture. In his part of the terrific/horrific double feature Grindhouse: Death Proof, actor Kurt Russell (seriously, how cool was he in Overboard) takes out a plate of piled-high cheese making us consider switching our order to a salad. Thanks for including the world's best food, but gross. Enjoy this video while attempting to diet. It's way better than buying the Jillian Michaels' work out DVDs and a lot less emotionally scaring.

Healthy Nacho Habits Sans Botulism

Of course you can get incredible abs, gluts and guts with nachos. Thanks to Amazon's wide aray of everything you may or may not ever need in your life, we found this exciting package of tasty treats: Kay's Naturals Non-Gluten Protein Chips in Chili Nacho Cheese flavor. Why? Because getting your daily dose of fiber in ranch or sour cream and onion wouldn't be nearly as enticing.

This almost makes up for that time last year when -- having absolutely nothing to do with the above -- a "life-threatening case of botulism... left a 26-year-old man in intensive care after he ate a pre-packaged nachos meal". Why! Whyyy!!!
